I Love Martial Arts Georgia

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Grayson HapKiDo & Kickboxing - Here's To An Awesome 2015!

Happy New-Years-Eve Eve! As 2014 is approaching its final days, you are well on your way to start a new year!

Choe's HapKiDo would like to thank everyone for a wonderful year of HapKiDo and Kickboxing! No matter what, be proud of the progress and accomplishments achieved within this year.  Whether you had just started or been growing all year, you have had many great moments to remember. We would like to say thanks for being a part of your year!

Happy New Years, and we look forward to an awesome 2015!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Snellville Karate - The Benefits About Our Program!

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Choe's HapKiDo in Snellville is a great place to become a part of because of the multiple benefits.  

The Benefits: 
  1. New friends
  2. Weight Loss
  3. Muscle Gain
  4. Multiple New Skills
  5. The ability to defend
  6. New lessons on respect
  7. Growth in confidence
  8. Learning how to persevere
  9. Hard work shown off positively
  10. New concentration methods
The beauty about these benefits, and the many more not listed, is that everyone gains them through different ways; it depends on the individuals. As there are no two people alike, everyone who comes into our studio has different backgrounds, experience, and learning styles. And as everyone trains together all the time, everyone is also working at his or her own pace. With constant encouragement from instructors, peers, and family, it becomes celebratory for the student with each accomplishment. Through our great martial arts program, students learn the meaning and feeling of applying both the mind and body in unity.

For more information on Choe's HapKiDo in Snellville, visit here. Also check us out on Facebook!

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Written by: Christie McGowan

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Are You Spending Time to Relieve Stress? - Snellville Kickboxing

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While stress can push a person to do well under situations, continuous pressure without relief results in negative consequences. Aside from the potential health problems caused by stress, as discussed on WebMD, it also harms the mind. It causes people to be hostile, have irregular food patterns, and increase anxiety and depression. This attention seeker also lets people dwell and skip out on everything good. With a little bit of exercise squeezed into the day, like in a kickboxing studio at I Love Kickboxing Snellville, people’s day will be brighter.


I Love Kickboxing Snellville = An infinity of benefits!

  • Great for the built-up anger, depression, and anxiety in response to stress.
  • Makes people take a break from life and concentrate on something else.
  • Produces positive energy.
  • Awesome connections with encouraging kickboxing instructors.
  • Results that reel in confidence.
  • Boosts self-esteem.
  • New Friends.
  • Positive changes for life!

Although people react to stress differently from one another, they receive similar benefits from exercise. And with a motivating work out like kickboxing at I Love Kickboxing Buckhead, people change incredibly.

For more information on I Love Kickboxing Snellville, visit here. Also find us on Facebook!

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Written by: Christie McGowan

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Grayson Karate - Give Support When You Can!

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Leaves need branches the way people need support. It is possible to live without someone caring, but that lifestyle can result in a cold one. When people realize that others support them in what they do, something beautiful happens. Suddenly, extra energy surges and motivation spouts. The fact that someone else cares gives a cause more reason. 

We see this all the time in our studio at Choe’s HapKiDo in Grayson. A strong support requires positive energy not only from HapKiDo students, but also from parents, peers, and instructors. As a result, a healthy community is formed. And from this foundation, greatness is bound to happen.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month calls on all sorts of communities to congregate. As this month is flooded with pink, it can also be seen as a reminder that a cure is still needed. While treatment and research on curing breast cancer have increased, more is still desired. And in order for there to be progression, all have to care. 

Choe’s HapKiDo in Grayson is hosting a T-Shirt Fundraiser all October long. By wearing and selling custom made t-shirts, ALL PROCEEDS will go to the Susan G. Koman Foundation in support of breast cancer research. We hope that through this fundraiser to help make a difference.

If you would like to purchase a Choe's HapKiDo Breast Cancer T-Shirt, please visit the pink link. All funds go to this great cause!

For more information on Choe’s HapKiDo in Grayson, visit here.

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Written by: Christie McGowan

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Grayson Kickboxing - Perseverance is Key!

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Developing the ability to persevere is a work out on its own. And without a good teacher or guide, learning how to push through difficulties is harder. Because people tend to sell themselves short, it usually takes someone on the outside to see another person’s potential. That is why fitness coaches are an effective way to get in shape. 


At I LoveKickboxing Buckhead, our instructors make it part of their careers to motivate people to new fitness levels. We understand that the pain resulted from kickboxing can make life difficult, but it is only temporary. After the pain leaves, the body shines the results of good, hard exercise. 

All of our teaching and pushing at I LoveKickboxing Buckhead are really to influence people to persevere. If we can show people the positive outcomes of pushing through hard work, then we will be able to influence a change in the mind. Soon, people are able to persuade themselves to persevere through exercise. 

We love watching people transform into confident, persevering individuals. Especially when they realize they can take control over their lives! If anything, we love watching people become happier about themselves. Through the I LoveKickboxing Buckhead program, people learn to see the best of themselves.

For more information on I LoveKickboxing Buckhead, visit our website. Also follow us on Facebook!
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Writing Contributor: Christie McGowan

Thursday, October 9, 2014

A Confident Child Does Better in School!

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If anything, having confidence leads people to try and to persevere. When people are equipped to apply these ideals on the fly, life is more approachable, more successful. Oftentimes, people find they need to improve this area in their lives. Because it is easier to tear ourselves down with negative thoughts, we also get discouraged. 

When it comes to students at school, sometimes it is a confidence booster that the children need in order to do well. In class, it is easy to be intimidated by peers, teachers, the level of work, and the need to speak up.

With a little bit of training in HapKiDo karate, we excitedly watch children grow in confidence in multiple areas. With the martial arts instructors constantly engaging the students in encouragement, students eventually find they can start encouraging themselves. It can be said that training at Choe’s HapKiDo in Grayson builds and repairs the wings of many kinds of people. And when children are walking around with confidence as a guide, they become more content with themselves.

HapKiDo karate training in Grayson gives its students opportunities to practice giving speeches, to develop a positive mind, and to learn new skills. Our training helps students realize their full potential and to always believe they can strive for more.

When students can incorporate HapKiDo training while attending school, they are able to shine in class. They develop confidence to try to speak up in class and to always attempt everything with a 100%.

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Written by: Christie McGowan

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Fun Karate Birthday Parties in Grayson!

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The latest phenomenon at Choe’s HapKiDo in GraysonKids Karate Birthday Parties! As the birthday kid and gang enjoy stuffing their faces with pizza and cake, the goal of the party is to build the birthday star’s and peers' confidence and self-esteem. Throughout the entire party, the birthday child will be guided through a martial arts lesson, which entails teachings of various kicks and effective self-defense tactics. The special star will get to help lead the class, and witness breaking a board with all his/her might! The party gang will be in awe of your child's breaking moment! Games and more fun follow the lesson! Without a doubt, the end result has everyone having a great time.

...It's also a treat for parents!
A Kids Karate Birthday Party is a celebratory treat for all – especially when parents have the opportunity to sit back and relax. From the second Choe's HapKiDo in Grayson starts planning for a birthday party, the entire staff follows the child's picked theme, takes care of all the party set-up, arranges party food and drink details, and organizes games and martial arts lessons. And another advantage for having us host the birthday star's party? - We Take Care of ALL the Mess! 

Having our crew supervise the 2-hour-party allows parents to take off the pressure of throwing a party. Parents are able to freely walk around, take pictures, and enjoy the fun of the party! This Karate Birthday Party occasion also welcomes parents to be involved as much as they would like. There are many ways to have parents joining in on the fun with their kids!

Birthday Child Cuts Cake with Samurai Sword!!

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Written By: Christie McGowan

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Why Respect Matters- Grayson HapKiDo

Writing Contributor: Christie McGowan
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If not for respect, and if everyone instead acted on self-preferences, the world would be in constant chaos. Just imagine it – a world lacking respect would result everyone being more careless and less trustworthy. People wouldn’t care about others so much, and people would be greedier because gratitude would also not exist.

The effects of respect—showing gratitude, trust, and sensitivity towards others—allows peace to be possible. For example, respect between the bond of parent and child allows both sides to grow positively. If the child shows respect towards parent, it means he/she understands the purposes for parents. From years of receiving shelter and love, children grow up with gratitude and try to show it—if not from listening and obeying, then definitely through holidays and birthdays. If children show respect, then parents will also have respect for them. So, for there to be peace, everyone has to be on the same page.

At Choe's HapKiDo in Grayson, we care to influence respect to our students. Through practices of different styles of bowing and attentive listening, HapKiDo students carry the principles of respect into other areas of their lives: home, school, work, and social events. And eventually, they realize that they have also gained respect from their surrounding peers.

For more information on Choe’s HapKiDo in Grayson, visit: http://www.graysonmartialarts.com/index.php.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Have Your Child Learn Self-Discipline!

It’s the little things that we miss
[Ignoring mom and eating more than 2 cookies
Buying something you didn’t plan on
Having a mean comment put you in a bad mood
Getting onto Facebook too often during study hours
Letting self to not finish a book]

Before they escalate.
[Consuming an entire plate even though full
Having a closet full of unused and old stuff
Pushing over your brother because he hit you first
Lacking the ability to concentrate
Dismissing a goal]

But with a little self-discipline,
[Watching your portions
Making effort to give and save
Calming down
Avoiding distractions
Pushing through]

You happily accept the consequences!
[Looking good
Being good
Feeling good
Clapping good
Mighty good]

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Self-discipline is the key when training at Choe's HapKiDo in Grayson. Students learn to tackle all situations with perseverance, decision making, and good attitude. Watch your child grow within a year’s worth training. You’ll notice a big change in your child’s stride.

For more information, visit: http://choeshapkido.com/grayson/.

-By: Christie McGowan-

Friday, September 5, 2014

Confidence is Necessary

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The truth about lack-of-confidence is that it has no age limit; it is a feeling that both children and adults relate to. At Choe’s HapKiDo in Grayson, we understand that the reasons for lack of confidence are endless, but they are reasonable: the feeling of inadequacy compared to others; a history of negative feedback; the fear of being wrong; the idea of set-limitations. Our martial art program is developed to show students how to grow in confidence.

The Outcomes of Confidence:

SELF-ESTEEM BOOST. From day to day training, HapKiDo instructors make sure a student knows when something is done right. Through hard work and a positive attitude, students experience the feeling of being correct. And after one technique is conquered, students find energy to keep at it.

REALIZED POTENTIAL. The best part of watching progression in the training studio is when the student realizes it. It is like suddenly, a light bulb flashes and he/she witnesses the growth. Maybe an increase in strength is noticed, or a kick is flawless. But regardless, seeing the changes influences the want to do more.

NEW FOUND INDEPENDENCE. The instructors train students every step of the way until they believe he/she is ready for the next belt test. The belt tests allow students to perform independently. And after a new belt is achieved, it is understood that it was earned.

Although confidence can result in cockiness and false-pride, consistent training results in the students developing confidence in a healthy way. From being corrected on technique and etiquette, students learn that perfection comes from listening to advice and persevering to try again and again.
For more information about Choe’s HapKiDo in Grayson, visit: http://www.graysonmartialarts.com/index.php

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Writing Contributor: Christie McGowan 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

I Love Kickboxing Grayson- Reasons WHY People LOVE Us!

Last year's winner for the 45 Day Kickboxing Challenge!

At I Love Kickboxing Grayson, the kickboxers keep roaring in.

…Here’s why.

You know an exercise is good when…

  1. It motivates to change diet
  2. Excuses aren’t made to stop
  3. People push for more
  4. Fun is added
  5. Music becomes a bonus
  6. More people join.
  7. Results are endless
  8. Stress is relieved
  9. Weight is lost
  10. Happiness is found

For more information about kickboxing classes at I Love Kickboxing Grayson, visit:


Writing Contributor: Christie McGowan

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Never give up on yourself

Laura Brownlee here, your local ilovekickboxing.com instructor!!

Today I want to talk to you about the way you view yourself. We are our own worst enemies in most cases. We think poorly of ourselves or have a negative image of what we see in ourselves, which causes us to not rise to our highest potential.

Why is it easier to believe the bad about ourselves instead of the good? I don’t know, but what I do know is, that your mind is a very powerful tool. You can use it to build yourself up and achieve things that you didn’t think were possible. Maybe you’re struggling to lose ten pounds; maybe you don’t think you’re as good as someone else, maybe you haven’t started working out because you feel insecure.

I want to encourage you today to shake all that off and put on a new attitude about you!! Believe that you are everything you dream to be. Set goals and reach them!

 It will not always be easy, as a matter of fact; it will probably take you out of your comfort zone and be some of the hardest things you’ve ever had to do. But you will realize what you’re made of and how much you truly can achieve. Determination, hard work, dedication and heart are what it takes to be successful. I’m not talking about money success either, don’t get me wrong, that’s great, but to me, success is not measured in money it’s measured in the quality of your life. Are you happy? Are you reaching towards your goals? Are you taking steps every day to become a better you?

You are only limited by what you believe you can achieve!!!!


Benefits of Music during your workout!


Hey guys! Lori Nieves here, your ilovekickboxing.com instructor! I wanted to talk to you today about the benefits of rocking out to music during your workout.


Music can be fun to jam to but there have been several studies about the benefits of music while you’re working out.  Music helps to reduce your perceived effort which makes you think that you’re not working as hard as you are during your workout.  Also, if you match the tempo of your music to your workout, it can boost your endurance and your workout’s efficiency! It also boosts the effort that you put into your workout which makes you push yourself longer and harder. That, of course, will increase your results, and who doesn’t want to do that!!!! 


One problem, if you get too used to the music that you use to work out to, it loses many of these benefits according to recent information from Billboard and Spotify.  If you want to keep going, you should change up your music every few weeks. We use the Songza app (for iphone and android) with the “ drop a beat” category, which plays new music all the time.


Check out this cool infographic about the types of music that most people find effective for different types of workouts ranging from yoga to running.  While there’s no kickboxing specifically, you’ll notice the gym, tae-bo, and jogging seem to have similar attributes.


You can also check this site out that has many up tempo playlists to fit your mood and preferences. There’s even a kickboxing category with several “beat down” playlists!!



Here are a few of my favorites that get me pumped up and ready to kick butt:


Macklemore and Ryan Lewis – Can’t Hold Us

Capital Cities – Safe and Sound

Beyonce – Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)

Michael Jackson – Beat It

Britney Spears – Work B*tch (Work Work for those with little ears around)


If there’s anything you want to hear during a workout, let me know and I’ll track it down for you. 


Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Do you trust your trainer(?).....you should!

Hi everyone, it's Lori Nieves, your ilovekickboxing.com instructor!!!!

We all know it’s important to develop relationships with others in order to express ourselves openly.  In fact, trust is a fundamental way in which we work with, communicate with, hear, and learn from each other.  Rapport, and in turn a trusting relationship, is also the key to a positive relationship with trainers and coaches.


The opposite is true as well.  A lack of trust, including low morale, low productivity, and failure to give 100% can lead to the end of a productive relationship with your trainer or coach.  Without a positive and trusting relationship, it will be far more difficult for us to reach our goals. 


Here are some questions that you should be asking yourself to determine if you have a trusting relationship with your trainer. 

1.      Does your trainer focus on you rather than herself?

2.      Does your trainer work with you collaboratively to reach your goals rather than tell you what your goals should be?

3.      Do you feel validated or understood by your trainer?


Our goal at ILKB is that you answer yes to all of these questions.  After all, it’s our goal to help you reach yours. 
