Laura Brownlee here, your local
Today I want to talk to you about the way you view yourself.
We are our own worst enemies in most cases. We think poorly of ourselves or
have a negative image of what we see in ourselves, which causes us to not rise
to our highest potential.
Why is it easier to believe the bad about ourselves instead
of the good? I don’t know, but what I do know is, that your mind is a very
powerful tool. You can use it to build yourself up and achieve things that you
didn’t think were possible. Maybe you’re struggling to lose ten pounds; maybe
you don’t think you’re as good as someone else, maybe you haven’t started
working out because you feel insecure.
I want to encourage you today to shake all that off and put
on a new attitude about you!! Believe that you are everything you dream to be.
Set goals and reach them!
It will not always be
easy, as a matter of fact; it will probably take you out of your comfort zone
and be some of the hardest things you’ve ever had to do. But you will realize
what you’re made of and how much you truly can achieve. Determination, hard
work, dedication and heart are what it takes to be successful. I’m not talking
about money success either, don’t get me wrong, that’s great, but to me,
success is not measured in money it’s measured in the quality of your life. Are
you happy? Are you reaching towards your goals? Are you taking steps every day
to become a better you?
You are only limited by what you believe you can achieve!!!!